The Dream (part 1)

(Journal Entry #79503)

fade in.

Where are we? This venue is nice!

Oh, it’s a wedding! 

Hey daddy! That’s a nice suit you got on!

Oh it’s a wedding of someone we know!

Dad, why are you smiling at me as if you just won a million dollars?

Something is off.

Dad why are you cuffing my arm?! You’ve never done that.

What is happening?

Oh wow. All the people I love are in this room!

Hi Mommy! Hi Granna! Hey y’all! 

Dad, are you escorting me to my seat?

Who’s wedding is this?! It’s really beautiful!

Why are we walking so slow and why is everyone looking at us? Dad? Dad!

Wait, I know that guy up there…Well I can’t really see his face but I think I know him. Like KNOW him. 

Why is he smiling at me? He’s kind of fly with those locs on his head. Why do I know him? Where do I know him from?

Hey y’all! … Dad, why are we not to our seats yet?!

Wait dad, why are you placing my hand in his? I thought we were going to our seat.. 

HELLO?! Why isn’t anyone answering me?! 



fade to black

cut to

“You’re my ladyyyyyyyyy” Aye now, this is my SONG! But WHO is this man I’m dancing with?! I feel like I’ve known him for a long time. And our chemistry is amazing! He’s handsome… I think. 

This dress is beautiful! An extreme choice to just be a guest at this wedding but it’s really pretty.

Hey daddy! “Jamaica funk that’s what it is”.. Go ahead daddy! Guess nobody likes this song because it’s just me and you. 

Wait a minute…. Is this… OMG!


But wait, this is A MAN! I feel so happy though. WE look happy. What is this?!

fade to black

fade in

Is that a baby crying?

Oh, I see him.. Aww he’s so cute!

Why is he reaching for me?! He’s calling me mama. 

He does kind of look like me but he looks like somebody else…

What is happening?!

Great. Here comes this familiar yet random dude again.

Why does he keep smiling at me?!

Sir, who are you?!

*flashes of :

  • A dodger blue LA fitted

  • Arts district

  • Another baby boy

  • Lips kissing

  • A smile

My alarm rings… I wake up. 


The Act (part 2)

